Russ earned his CPA designation 30 years ago after working as a commodities trader for 3 years for Louis Dreyfus then getting a Masters in Accounting at the University of Washington. Why is it important to mention commodity trading? Because it was the best education, teaching to drill to the issues that matter and recognize distractions or non-key information for what they are. And teaching to make the best decision possible even in the face of incomplete or suspect information.
Professional experience includes 5 years in public accounting, followed by work in the private sector including roles as Controller, CFO, and Consulting. Russ is SuiteFoundation certified for NetSuite. Roles include work at Day Wireless (no relation), The Gideons International, Vendscreen, Imation Publishing Software, CrossCurrent, Inc., and Safeharbor Knowledge Solutions.
Away from his desk, Russ enjoys golf, fly-fishing, backpacking, and riding motorcycles.
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