Spring Cleaning with 5S

Win Jeanfreau

5S is a product of the Japanese manufacturing community and was adopted by Toyota during the Japanese industrial revolution. The term “5S” refers to five Japanese words that describe the steps of the 5S system: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. They are translated into English as Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.

Some may see 5S as simply tidying up, or they may believe that 5S is specific to the automotive industry given its origins—these are both misconceptions. Regardless of industry, 5S is an essential discipline within Lean manufacturing, and continuous improvement approaches.

Reduce Waste

5S methodology encourages operators to improve their work environment to reduce waste. By eliminating or reducing waste with 5S, you could create additional space within your facility and create a safer work environment. And by streamlining and optimizing your workspace, 5S also helps your manufacturing plant optimize its productivity.

Optimize Productivity

Once you’ve eliminated and reduced waste, you can quite literally free up time and space for increased productivity. Create a safer work environment, reduce downtime, eliminate unnecessary motion, and improve the quality of your products through standardized equipment maintenance.

5S is a low-investment, high-impact lean manufacturing tool that helps manufacturers of every industry reduce waste and optimize their productivity. It also encourages team members to “own” their workspace, thus creating a culture of continuous improvement, productivity, and quality. That’s good for your customers, your employees, and your profits.

Ready to do some “spring cleaning” in your worksite? Contact iMpact Utah to schedule a 5S training. In this on-site workshop, team members are introduced to 5S principles and guided in applying them to their work environments. Participants come away with a step-by-step plan to achieve—and maintain—an efficient workspace for optimized workflow.

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