Resources dedicated to helping Utah manufacturers grow and thrive.
The Lean manufacturing approach identifies 7 forms of waste: overproduction, delay & wait time, inefficient or excessive transportation, overprocessing & complexity, excess inventory, wasted motion, and errors & defects.
5S is a product of the Japanese manufacturing community and was adopted by Toyota during the Japanese industrial revolution. The term “5S” refers to five Japanese words that describe the steps of the 5S system: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. They are translated into English as Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.
Keeping information safe and secure has been a challenging development for businesses of all sizes over the last few years. Expeditious shifts from in-person to online to hybrid workplaces forced companies to change, or at least reexamine, their cybersecurity practices and protocols, and far too often, they weren’t prepared. In fact, according to CyberEdge’s Cyberthreat Defense Report, 85% of organizations suffered from a successful cyberattack in 2021.